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Brian Williams
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perseid meteor shower

Perseid Meteor Shower: Catch a Shooting Star

It’s time for the Perseid meteor shower. The fantastic shower will peak over the next few days, August 11-13. If you find an dark area with clear skies, you should…

Sand Collecting: Becoming A Psammophile

What is an psammophile? Simple. An psammophile (psammo – sand, phile – lover of) is anyone who enjoys the hobby of sand collecting. Want to become a psammophile? We can…

Celebrate Pi Day

Guess what today it is! It’s Pi Day! That’s right! So, what comes to mind when you hear the word pi? Apple, blueberry, rubarb, pizza? Well, today is actually about that…

Brian Williams Returns to The Children’s Museum of Atlanta

Learn how Brian Williams and the Children’s Museum of Atlanta are awakening a love of science in children and adults through the Science Wondershop.