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Brian Williams
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homemade butter

Homemade Butter: Thanksgiving Science

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so we thought we’d show you how to add a bit of science to your table. In this little activity, we’ll show you how…
November 2020

Do Some Science in November 2020

November 2020 is here and it is time to Do Some Science! In addition to two meteor showers (the Taurids and the Leonids), November is also home to STEAM Day,…
October 2020

Do Some Science in October 2020

As a science enthusiast, October is my favorite month of the year. This year doesn’t disappoint. October 2020 is home to a blue moon, two meteor showers, and National Chemistry…
September 2020

Do Some Science in September 2020

September 2020 is here and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to the Equinox, September is also home to an asteroid flyby, Pollution Prevention…
August 2020

Do Some Science in August 2020

MnAugust 2020 has arrived and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to the Perseid Meteor Shower, August is also home to a National Honeybee…
July 2020

Do Some Science in July 2020

July 2020 is here and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to being UV Safety Awareness Month, April is also home to Manhattanhenge, Delta…
black snake fireworks

Make Black Snake Fireworks with Chemistry

In the simple activity, you’ll use some basic materials to create your own black snake fireworks.  You’ll also learn a bit of chemistry along the way.
June 2020

Do Some Science in June 2020

June 2020 has arrived and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to being Home Safety Month, April is also home to June Solstice, Asteroid…
May 2020

Do Some Science in May 2020

May 2020 is here and with it comes lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to being Clean Air Month and National Egg Month, May is also home…
sharpie color

Sharpie Color Science

Everybody loves color!  It makes our world incredibly beautiful.  Color is what makes rainbows, flowers, and paintings so interesting.  Did you know that there is a lot of science in…