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How do parasites limit a child’s growth?

Abstract Stunting affects millions of kids around the world. This means they are not growing as tall as they should. Unfortunately, stunted children are more likely to have health problems…

Want your own AI double? There could be big benefits — and risks

“I’m a digital clone,” says a young man. He smiles and blinks. “If you’re curious about how this all works or have any questions, feel free to ask.” This clone…

AI job-screening tools are very prejudiced, study finds

Artificial intelligence, or AI, tools are great for handling boring tasks. Like going through thousands of job applications and pulling out the most promising ones. So companies often use AI…

Let’s learn about radiocarbon dating

Say you’re an archaeologist, and you’re studying an ancient skeleton, pair of pants or piece of poop. You want to know just how old that object is, so you can…

Analyze This: In movies, wetlands often get a bad rap

In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Frodo Baggins travels through the Dead Marshes on his way to fulfill his quest: to destroy a very powerful ring. As…

This zombie star’s spiky filaments are baffling astronomers

Some 6,500 light-years from Earth lurks a zombie star. It’s cloaked in long tendrils of hot sulfur. Skywatchers saw this star go supernova nearly 900 years ago. No one knows…

Scientists Say: Regolith

Regolith (noun, “RAY-go-lith”) Regolith is the layer of loose rocks and dust on the surface of moons, asteroids and rocky planets — including Earth. This blanket of fine material comes…

A single sniff is enough to detect slight odor changes

The sniffs we take to identify a smell last from one to three seconds. But is it possible for us to detect odor changes in an even shorter time? Yes,…

There’s life beneath the snow — but it’s at risk of melting away

A soft, thick coat of snow makes a lot of the world seem to slow down or even stop — at least temporarily. The fluffy piles absorb sound and make…

Plant and fungi parts help robots level up

In the TV series ​​Doctor Who, ​​treeborgs supply fresh air to spaceship passengers. Part tree, part robot, these devices convert starlight into oxygen. In ​​Nnedi Okorafor’s novel Zahrah the Windseeker,…
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