In the world of Harry Potter, memories can be manipulated with the flick of a wand. Albus Dumbledore reels wispy memories out of his head and puts them in a…
You’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger biology fan than 12-year-old Giselle Drewett. Studying biology was the main way she learned to read — a challenge for her, growing up…
Black History Month may be about to wrap up. But February is far from the only time to honor the groundbreaking work of Black scientists and engineers. While it’s far…
Absorb and adsorb (verb, “AB-sorb” and “AD-sorb”) Absorb and adsorb both describe ways a material might soak up another substance. One big difference sets these words apart. Absorption occurs inside…
A good sweater is like a cozy hug made out of yarn. For that, you can thank friction. A new study reveals how knit fabrics can take on so many different…
Our planet is awash in plastic pollution. Tiny bits of it, called microplastics, taint the air and our food. Plastic specks have been found everywhere from our bodies to a…
Nicole Xu reached into a Styrofoam tank to grasp a live moon jellyfish. Quickly and carefully, she inserted a tiny electronic device into the animal. “It takes a little bit…
It’s official: The year 2024 was indeed the hottest on record. It was also the first year in recorded history that Earth’s average temperature was higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7…
Veggies pack lots of nutrients. But our bodies need some nutrients that can be found only in animal products, such as meat and milk. Now, researchers have tweaked the genes…
Large Language Model (noun, “LARJ LANG-wuhj MAH-del”) A large language model — or LLM — is an artificial intelligence computer program that can read text and write responses. LLMs power…