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Science News
Page 19

More than 100 types of bacteria found living in microwave ovens

Even a microwave oven is not immune to bacteria. With microwave radiation bouncing around inside them, these ovens might seem a threatening place to microbes. But scientists have just turned…

Explainer: How cells use chemistry to make the electricity of life

Every second, cells throughout your body send out small electrical signals. Tiny jolts control your heartbeat. In your brain, cells use electricity to release chemicals that make you feel happy…

Zap, zap, zap! Our bodies are electric

Our daily lives seem to run on electricity. Electric lights illuminate our rooms. Electric power runs our computers, microwave ovens, cell phones and countless features on our cars. When we…

Explainer: Anatomy of a heartbeat

Your heart beats about 100,000 times per day. That’s around 3 billion times over an average lifetime. Each beat pumps blood to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen. From…

Weirdly, mayo can help study conditions ripe for nuclear fusion 

Mayonnaise is useful for smearing on sandwiches and  prepping potato salads. But scientists are now using it to study nuclear fusion. How mayonnaise behaves can vary. If jiggled gently, it…

A springtail’s spring-loaded backflip is fast — really fast

Simone Biles has nothing on this tiny backflipper. The globular springtail (Dicyrtomina minuta) is so small it could straddle the tip of a pencil. Yet this insect-like animal can vault…

Scientists Say: Campfire

Campfire (noun, “KAMP FYRE”) Campfires are small eruptions on the sun’s surface. They are similar to massive explosions known as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. But campfires…

Surprise! The jet stream can trigger cloud formation

Clouds form when water molecules in the air stick to certain tiny particles — think of them as seeds. Scientists have now discovered an unexpected source of those seeds. When…

Chimps and bonobos recognize familiar faces even after decades apart

Chimpanzees and bonobos have great memories for familiar faces. Research now suggests that these apes can recognize members of their own species. Not just day to day or month to…

Meet the sneaky and surprisingly dangerous squall-line tornado

Meteorologist Thea Sandmael watched the storm close in. It was near enough for her to spot a rotating dome of clouds emerging from the storm’s dark underbelly. By the time…