Abstract Did you know that some animals like crocodiles and sharks keep growing larger as they get older? Mammals are not like that. We only grow during the first part…
Have you tried out DeepSeek? Released on January 20, this new artificial intelligence tool quickly became the world’s most downloaded free app. It held that spot for several days. More…
Hate waiting in line for the bathroom? Chimpanzees have a social solution: Everyone go at once. A study now shows that among chimps, peeing is contagious. It’s “the first study…
Dark lightning (noun, “Dark LITE-ning”) Dark lightning refers to bursts of gamma radiation that can occur during thunderstorms. Gamma radiation — made up of gamma rays — is a kind…
Spinning, hoop-slinging robots are revealing the physics of a favorite toy — the Hula-Hoop. Scientists found that those robots had to have a particular shape in order to hula-hoop. And…
It’s the day of a big test. Your heart is pounding. Your palms are sweating. Your breathing quickens and your stomach suddenly feels full of butterflies. Although these stress responses…
At first glance, it’s a simple scene. Six adult bison and a calf mill around a stream. But if you look closer, the plot thickens. Beside a well-worn path to…
You’re practicing a new song on piano. One part keeps tripping you up. No matter how many times you try it, your fingers just won’t move fast enough. Then you…
Addison Shea, 18, is fascinated by how changing Earth systems affect the creatures living in them. So when she came across an article about a puzzling change in an Arctic…