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Before continuing through our disclaimer, if you have an emergency of any type, call 9-1-1.

General Disclaimer

The science experiments and activities provided on this website are intended for educational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that all experiments are safe and easy to perform, it is the responsibility of the supervising adult (parent, teacher, guardian, etc.) to determine the appropriateness of each experiment for their situation and to ensure that all safety precautions are followed.

Safety First

Always use best practices and follow established safety procedures when conducting any experiment.

  1. Carefully read and follow all instructions provided.
  2. Ensure that first aid supplies are readily available and that an adult is present to supervise any activity.
  3. Consider any allergies, sensitivities, or special needs that may be relevant to the participants.

By using this website, you acknowledge that the creators of this website are not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur as a result of performing the experiments provided. The safety of all participants is of the utmost importance, and it is up to the supervising adult to ensure a safe environment for all activities.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

The following list is recommendation. Based on your own proper judgment, feel free to add to the list. Always keep water or a water source near by for drinking in the event of improper ingestion, AND keep a separate water source for rinsing (i.e.: hands, eyes, skin) in the event of contact with a harmful source.
  1. Safety Goggles or Glasses
    • Protects eyes from chemical splashes, flying debris, or harmful vapors.
  2. Gloves
    • Nitrile or Latex Gloves: For handling chemicals and biological materials.
    • Heat-Resistant Gloves: For handling hot equipment or materials.
  3. Lab Coats or Aprons
    • Protects skin and clothing from spills and splashes.
  4. Face Shields
    • Additional protection for face and eyes during high-risk experiments.
  5. Respirators or Dust Masks
    • Protects against inhaling harmful fumes, dust, or particles.
  6. Closed-Toe Shoes
    • Prevents injuries from spills, drops, or sharp objects.

General Safety Equipment:

  1. First Aid Kit
    • Should be well-stocked with bandages, antiseptic wipes, burn ointment, and other essential first aid supplies.
  2. Fire Extinguisher
    • Should be appropriate for chemical, electrical, and ordinary fires (typically an ABC extinguisher).
  3. Fire Blanket
    • For smothering small fires or wrapping around a person if their clothing catches fire.
  4. Eyewash Station
    • Easily accessible for immediate flushing of the eyes in case of exposure to harmful substances.
  5. Chemical Spill Kit
    • Includes absorbent materials, neutralizing agents, and disposal bags for safely handling chemical spills.
  6. Fume Hood
    • For conducting experiments that produce hazardous fumes or vapors.
  7. Emergency Shower
    • For immediate rinsing of the body if exposed to harmful chemicals.
  8. Ventilation
    • Ensure proper ventilation in the workspace to disperse harmful fumes and vapors.

Miscellaneous Equipment:

  1. Tongs and Forceps
    • For handling hot equipment, chemicals, or biological samples.
  2. Thermometers
    • For accurately measuring temperatures during experiments.
  3. Beaker Tongs
    • Specifically designed for holding hot beakers.
  4. Test Tube Holders
    • For safely holding and transporting test tubes, especially when heating.

Safety Signage:

  1. Emergency Exit Signs
    • Clearly mark exits in case of an emergency.
  2. No Food or Drink Signs
    • To prevent contamination or accidental ingestion of harmful substances.
  3. Hand Washing Signs
    • Reminders to wash hands before and after experiments to ensure hygiene.

Basic Laboratory Tools:

  1. Graduated Cylinders, Beakers, and Flasks
    • For measuring and mixing chemicals safely.
  2. Spill-Resistant Containers
    • For storing chemicals and preventing accidental spills.