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Do Some Science in August


Do Some Science in August

August has arrived and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to be Children Eye Health and Safety Month, August is also home to a Sturgeon Supermoon, the Perseids Meteor Shower, and National Aviation Day. Take a look at what August brings for the science lover in you.

August 4: Nicolas-Jacque Conte was born on this day in 1755. He is credited with inventing the modern pencil.

August 6: On this day in 1935, William Coolidge obtained the patent for the cathode ray tube; making television and other electronics possible

August 9: Swiss developmental psychologist and zoologist, Jean Piaget, was born on this day in 1896.

August 11: Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple computers, was born on this day in 1950

August 12-13: Perseids Meteor Shower

August 14: Biologist, Earnest Just, was born on this day in 1883. He is best known for his contributions to the field of marine biology.

August 15: Full Sturgeon Moon (also known as the Full Green Corn Moon and Grain Moon) Supermoon (year’s largest full moon)

August 17: National Honey Bee Awareness Day

August 19: National Aviation Day

August 20: Voyager 2 was launched on this day in 1977. It is the only Earth spacecraft to visit Uranus and Neptune, and is currently on its way to interstellar space.

August 20: World Mosquito Day

August 21: The first practical adding & listing machine (calculator) was patented by William Burroughs on this date in 1988.

August 26: French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier, was born on this day in 1743. He is considered by many to be the “father of modern chemistry.”

August 29: German mathematician, Bartholomeus Pitiscus, was born on this day in 1561. He is credited with inventing trigonometry.

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Jenny Wilson



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