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Do Some Science in February

February science

Do Some Science in February

February is here and there are lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! From Groundhog Day to Darwin Day to The Great Backyard Bird Count, take a look at what February brings for the science lover in you.

In addition to being National Hearth Month and Black History Month, the month of February is full of great opportunities to get involved in the world of science. On February 2nd, we will find out if we’ll have an early spring or six more weeks of winter. On Feb. 15-18, you can help the Audubon Society by participating in The Great Backyard Bird Count. You definitely don’t want to miss a chance to Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) on February 21st or the second supermoon of the year on February 19th. Here’s a list of some other great science events this month.

February 1: Emilio Segre’s birthday (Italian physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of antiprotons, a sub-atomic antiparticle and an element used for the atomic bomb used on Nagasaki)

February 2: Groundhog Day

February 2: World Wetlands Day

February 3: Elizabeth Blackwell’s Birthday (the first accredited woman physician in the United States)

February 4: J. W. Goodrich introduced the world to the first rubber galoshes in 1824

February 7: John Deere’s birthday (pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements)

February 11: Thomas Edison’s Birthday (National Inventors’ Day)

February 12: Darwin Day

February 13–17: The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL)

February 15-18: The Great Backyard Bird Count

February 17: James Markham received the first fruit tree patent for a peach tree in 1932

February 17: Thomas J. Watson’s birthday (American scientist who founded IBM)

February 18: In 1879, Auguste Bartholdi was granted a design patent for the Statue of Liberty.

February 19: Full Snow Moon (also know as the Full Hunger Moon). The second of three supermoons for the year.

February 19: Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday (Astronomer famous for formulating a model of the universe with the sun at its center rather than the earth)

February 17-23: National Engineers Week

February 21: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day)

February 22: Heinrich Hertz’ birthday (first to broadcast and receive radio waves and helped to invent radar technology).

February 27: International Polar Bear Day

February 27: Felix Hoffman patented acetylsalicylic acid,
which is also known as aspirin, in 1900

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Jenny Wilson



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