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Do Some Science in November

Do Some Science In November

Do Some Science in November

November is here and it is time to Do Some Science! In addition to two meteor showers (the Taurids and the Leonids), November is also home to STEAM Day, International Science Center and Science Museum Day, and America Recycles Day. Of course, there is also Thanksgiving and all the culinary science that comes along with it. Take a look at all the science November has to offer!

November 1: American physicist, Robert B. Laughlin, was born on this day in 1950. In 1998, he won the Nobel Prize in physics for producing body wave function in the fractional quantum Hall effect.

November 2-3: World Championship Punkin Chunkin

November 2: 1929: Electrical Engineer, Amar Bose, was born on this day in 1929. He is the founder and chairman of the Bose Corporation, which patented advanced speakers that mimic being inside a concert hall.

November 4: Patricia Bath was born on this day in 1942. She receive a medical-related patent, for a device improving the use of lasers to remove cataracts. She also founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness

November 5-6: Taurids Meteor Shower

November 7: French scientist, Marie Curie, was born on this day in 1867. She is credited with discovering radium and won the Nobel Prize in 1903 and 1911.

November 7: Austrian-Swedish Physicist, Lise Meitner, was born on this day in 1878. She and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch developed the theory of nuclear fission.

November 8: STEM – STEAM Day

November 8: English astronomer, Edmund Halley, was born on this day in 1656. He is credited with the discovery of the Halley comet.

November 9: The first lady of American science, Florence Sabin, was born on this day in 1871. She was the first woman to hold a full professorship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She was also an advocate for women’s rights and higher education.

November 10: Pi Celebration Day (314th day of the year)

November 10: International Science Center and Science Museum Day

November 11: Rare transit of Mercury

November 12: Full Beaver Moon (also known as the Full Frosty Moon)

November 13: Robert Jarvik was granted a patent for the artificial heart on this day in 1979

November 14: Robert Fulton was born on this day in 1765. He is credited with building the first steamboat.

November 15: America Recycles Day

November 17-18: Leonid Meteor Shower

November 19: Granville Woods was issued a patent for a third rail to operate electrified railways on this day in 1901

November 20: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day

November 20: On this day in 1923, Garrett Morgan was granted Patent Number 1,475,024 for a traffic signal.

November 23: On this day in 1898, Andrew Beard was granted a patent for a railway car coupler.

November 23: Fibonacci Day

November 24: Evolution Day

November 25: On this day in 1975, Robert S. Ledley, was granted patent Number 3,922,522 for “diagnostic X-ray systems” known as the CAT-Scan.

November 28: Red Planet Day  

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Jenny Wilson



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