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Do Some Science in September

Do Some Science in September

September is here and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to be moon landing of the Chandrayaan-2 Vikram, September is also home to a National Aerospace Week, Pollution Prevention Week, and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere (the September Equinox). Take a look at what September brings for the science lover in you.

September 3: Protect Your Groundwater Day

September 4: Engineer and inventor, Lewis H. Latimer, was born on this day in 1948. In addition to drafting the patent drawings for Bell’s application for the telephone, he also contributed to the development of electric lamp and invented a variety of innovative items.

September 6: British physicist, John Dalton, was born on this day in 1766. He is credited with developing the atomic theory of matter.

September 7: The Indian Space Research Organisation’s Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander is scheduled to make a soft landing on the surface of the moon.

September 10: Neptune at Opposition (great time to view the planet)

September 10-14: National Aerospace Week

September 12: Irene Joliot-Curie was born on this day in 1897. She won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for the synthesis of new radioactive elements.

September 14: Full Harvest Moon (also known as the Full Corn Moon)

September 15-21: Pollution Prevention Week

September 16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

September 17: In 1918, Elmer Sperry received a patent (Patent Number 1,279,471) for the gyrocompass, essential to modern ship navigation.

September 20: Wallace Carothers granted a patent (Patent Number 2,130,948) for “synthetic fiber” (nylon) in 1938.

September 21: French physicist and inventor, Louis Paul Cailletet, was born on this day in 1832. He is credited with being the first person to liquefy oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and air.

September 22: National Elephant Appreciation Day

September 22: British physicist and chemist, Michael Faraday was born on this day in 1791. He is best known for his discoveries of electromagnetic induction and the laws of electrolysis. In addition to these contributions he is also credited with the invention of the electric motor.

September 23: Autumnal (September) Equinox

September 24: Jules Henri Giffard demonstrates the first dirigible or airship in 1852.

September 25: French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas J. Cugnot, was born on this day in 1725. He is credited with inventing the first self-propelled road vehicle; the precursor to the automobile.

September 28: International Rabbit Day

September 28: National Public Lands Day

September 29: World Heart Day 

September 29: Worldwide Day of Play (WWDoP) 

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