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Happy New Year 2020: Let’s Do Some Science

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Happy New Year 2020: Let’s Do Some Science

Happy New Year 2020! As we say goodbye to 2019, let’s take a moment to look forward to all the science 2020 has in store for us. From missions to Mars to the anniversary of Earth Day, 2020 looks like it is going to be a great year for science!

Here at Brian Williams Science, we thought we would help get you started by giving you some dates and events that you might want to keep on your calendar. You probably can’t do it all, but we are sure that you will find something on the list that you and your children might find interesting.


January 2: National Science Fiction Day (Isaac Asimov’s Birthday)

January 3-4: Quadrantids Meteor Shower

January 5: Earth at Perihelion

January 5: National Bird Day

January 9: National Static Electricity Day

January 9-11: The Association for Science Teacher Education International Conference (San Antonio, TX)

January 10: Full Wolf Moon (also known as the Old Moon).

January 10: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

January 20: World Penguin Awareness Day

January 25: National Seed Swap Day


February is National Hearth Month

February 2: Groundhog Day

February 2: World Wetlands Day

February 4: Create a Vacuum Day

February 9: Full Snow Moon (also know as the Full Hunger Moon). The first of four supermoons for the year.

February 11: National Inventors’ Day

February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 12: Darwin Day

February 13–16: The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA)

February 14-17: The Great Backyard Bird Count

February 16-22: National Engineers Week

February 18: National Battery Day

February 20: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day)

February 27: International Polar Bear Day

February 29: Leap Day


March is National Nutrition Month

March 1: World Maths Day

March 3: World Wildlife Day

March 3: Wangari Maathai Day/Africa Environment Day

March 4: World Engineering Day

March 9: Full Worm Moon (also known as Full Crow Moon or Full Crust Moon). The second of four supermoons for the year.

March 9-15: National Bubble Week

March 12: Plant a Flower Day

March 14: Pi Day

March 14: National Learn about Butterflies Day

March 15-March 18: National Association for Research in Science Teaching National Conference (Portland, OR)

March 16: Giant Panda Bear Day

March 16-22: Brain Awareness Week

March 20: International Earth Day

March 20: Vernal (March) Equinox

March 20: World Sparrow Day

March 21: International Day of Forest

March 22: World Water Day

March 23: World Meteorological Day

March 28: Earth Hour

March 28-April 5: NanoDays

March 31: Bunsen Burner Day


April is Citizen Science Month

April 2-5: National Science Teachers Association National Conference (Boston, MA)

April 4-12: National Robotics Week

April 5: National Dandelion Day

April 7: World Health Day

April 7: International Beaver Day

April 8: Full Pink Moon (also known as Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, or Fish Moon). The third of four supermoons for the year.

April 12: Yuri’s Night 

April 13: International Plant Appreciation Day

April 14: Look Up at the Sky Day

April 16: Mushroom Day

April 19-April 26: International Dark Sky Week

April 20-24: National Environmental Education (EE) Week

April 22-23: Lyrids Meteor Shower

April 22: Earth Day (US)

April 23: World Laboratory Day

April 24: Arbor Day

April 24-26: USA Science and Engineering Festival (Washington, DC)

April 25: National DNA Day

April 25: World Penguin Day

April 26: Richter Scale Day

April 27: Morse Code Day

April 28: International Astronomy Day

April 29-May 1: Nobel Prize Summit


May is Clean Air Month

May 1: Space Day

May 4: Bird Day

May 6-7: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower

May 7: Full Flower Moon (also known as Full Corn Planting Moon and Milk Moon). The fourth and final supermoon for the year.

May 9: International Migratory Bird Day

May 11: National Astronomy Day

May 18: Kids to Parks Day

May 19: World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day

May 22: International Day for Biological Diversity

May 26: Sally Ride Day

May 26-May31: World Science Festival

May 29-30: Manhattanhenge


June is Home Safety Month

June 5: World Environment Day

June 5: Full Strawberry Moon (also know as the Full Rose Moon and the Full Honey Moon)

June 5: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

June 8: World Oceans Day

July 8: Math 2.0 Day

June 15: Global Wind Day

June 21: Annular Solar Eclipse

June 21: National Sea Shell Day

June 22: Summer (June) Solstice

June 22: World Rainforest Day

June 28: Tau Day

June 30: Asteroid Day


July is UV Safety Month

July 4: Earth at Aphelion

July 5: Full Buck Moon (also known as Full Thunder Moon or Hay Moon).

July 5: Penumbral solar eclipse

July 8: National Blueberry Day

July 12-13: Manhattanhenge

July 14: Jupiter at Opposition. This is the best time to view the planet.

July 14: Shark Awareness Day

July 16: World Snake Day

July 20: Saturn at Opposition. This is the best time to view the planet.

July 20: Moon Day – Anniversary of Apollo 11 first step on the Moon July 20, 1969

July 22: Pi Approximation Day

July 22: World Brain Day

July 22-24: STEM Forum & Expo

July 28-29: Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower

July 29: International Tiger Day


August is Children Eye Health and Safety Month

August 3: Full Sturgeon Moon (also known as the Full Green Corn Moon and Grain Moon) 

August 3: National Watermelon Day

August 12-13: Perseids Meteor Shower

August 15: National Honey Bee Awareness Day

August 18: World Daffodil Day

August 19: National Aviation Day

August 20: World Mosquito Day


September 2: Full Harvest Moon (also known as the Full Corn Moon)

September 11: Neptune at Opposition. This is the best time to view the planet.

September 13: National Peanut Day

September 16: Collect Rocks Day

September 22: Autumnal (September) Equinox

September 26: International Observe the Moon Night

September 26: International Rabbit Day

September 28: National Public Lands Day

September 29: World Heart Day 

September 29: Worldwide Day of Play (WWDoP) 


October is National Energy Awareness Month

October 1: Hunter’s Full Moon (also know as the Full Blood Moon)

October 4: World Animal Day

October 4-10: World Space Week 

October 4-10: National Metric Week

October 5: Astronomy Day

October 7: Draconids Meteor Shower

October 7-13: World Rainforest Week

October 8: Ada Lovelace Day

October 9: National Nano Day

October 10: Metric Day

October 11–17: Earth Science Week 

September 13: Mars at Opposition. This is the best time to view the planet.

October 13: International Skeptics Day

October 14: National Fossil Day

October 16: Hagfish Day

October 18-24: National Chemistry Week

October 21-22: Orionids Meteor Shower

October 23: National Mole Day

October 27: Uranus at Opposition (great time to view the planet)

October 31: Full moon (since this is the second full moon of the month it is also a Blue Moon)


November is National Healthy Skin Month

November 9: Pi Celebration Day (314th day of the year)

November 11: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day

November 11: World Origami Day

November 15: America Recycles Day

November 17-18: Leonid Meteor Shower

November 23: Fibonacci Day

November 24: Evolution Day

November 28: Red Planet Day

November 30: Full Beaver Moon (also known as the Full Frosty Moon)

November 30: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse


December 5: World Soil Day

December 6-12: National Handwashing Awareness Week

December 7-12: Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) and Hour of Code 

December 10: Nobel Prize Ceremony (Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden)

December 11: International Mountain Day

December 13-14: Geminids Meteor Shower

December 14: Total Solar Eclipse

December 14: International Monkey Day

December 16: Pythagorean Theorem Day

December 19: Look for an Evergreen Day

December 21: Winter (December) Solstice

December 21-22: Ursids Meteor Shower

December 30: National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

December 30: Full Cold Moon (also know as Full Long Nights’ Moon and the Moon Before Yule)

These are just some of the exciting science events going on this year. As we discover more, we will be sure to let you know here or on the Brian Williams Science Facebook Page

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