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Table of Contents

Before continuing through our disclaimer, if you have an emergency of any type, call 9-1-1.

General Safety Guidelines

  1. Adult Supervision: All experiments, especially those involving chemicals, heat, or sharp objects, should be conducted under the supervision of a responsible adult.
  2. Read Instructions Thoroughly: Before starting any experiment, carefully read through the entire procedure. Ensure you understand all the steps and have all necessary materials ready.
  3. Use Proper Safety Gear: When required, always use protective equipment such as safety goggles, gloves, and aprons to protect against spills, splashes, and other hazards.
  4. Work in a Safe Environment: Conduct experiments in a well-ventilated area, away from food, drinks, and flammable materials. Ensure the workspace is clean and organized to prevent accidents.
  5. Understand the Materials: Familiarize yourself with the properties of the materials you are using. If an experiment involves chemicals, review the safety information and know how to handle and dispose of them properly.
  6. Know Emergency Procedures: Be prepared for accidents. Know where the first aid kit is located and how to use it. If using potentially dangerous materials, have a fire extinguisher and emergency contact numbers available.
  7. Handle Living Creatures with Care: If an experiment involves live animals or plants, treat them with respect and care. Follow ethical guidelines and ensure they are returned to their natural environment if possible.
  8. Report Any Issues: If an experiment does not go as planned or if you encounter any hazards, stop immediately and assess the situation. Report any issues to a responsible adult or authority.


The experiments provided on Brian Williams Science are intended for educational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that all activities are safe when performed correctly, we cannot guarantee that every experiment is free from risk. By using our resources, you acknowledge that you are responsible for following safety guidelines and assume all risks associated with performing these experiments.

Additional Resources