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homemade cranberry sauce

Homemade Cranberry Sauce Science

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. We thought we’d bring you a bit of food science. In this activity, you’ll learn a bit about the science behind states of matter…
homemade butter

Homemade Butter: Thanksgiving Science

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so we thought we’d show you how to add a bit of science to your table. In this little activity, we’ll show you how…
sharpie color

Sharpie Color Science

Everybody loves color!  It makes our world incredibly beautiful.  Color is what makes rainbows, flowers, and paintings so interesting.  Did you know that there is a lot of science in…

Explore the Mysteries of Oobleck

Oobleck is a classic science activity that’s sure to please both children and adults. This amazing substance seems to defy logic as it moves from solid to liquid and back…
Brain Science

Explore Brain Science at Your Seat

Your brain is fantastic! It is capable of amazing feats from dreaming to sensing to thinking.  The average human brain contains about 100 billion neurons and can wire itself in…
cranberry sauce

The Science of Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. In honor of the holiday, I have decided to include a quick post on the science behind one of the staples of any Thanksgiving…
children's museum of atlanta

Dr. Brian Williams is coming back to the Children’s Museum of Atlanta

Dr. Brian Williams and the Science Wondershop are set to return to the Children’s Museum of Atlanta from September 8th through November 17th. Keep reading to learn how you and…
black snake

Black Snake Fireworks: Science for the Fourth

Here’s a great way to do some science and learn about some of the chemistry behind fireworks. I present: Black Snake Fireworks! Just in time for the fourth of July.

Sand Collecting: Awaken Your Inner Psammophile

What is an psammophile? Simple. An psammophile (psammo – sand, phile – lover of) is anyone who enjoys the hobby of sand collecting. Want to become a psammophile? We can…
bubble blowing

Bubble Week is Here: Celebrate with Bubbleology

March 17-22 is National Bubble Week. In celebration of this amazing week, we are pleased to introduce a little Bubbleology (the study of bubbles). Who doesn’t like a good bubble?…
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