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What sustainable options are there for jet fuel?

What sustainable options are there for jet fuel?


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Is it a tropical paradise or the snow-capped mountains? Wherever it is, you might need to take an airplane to get there. Airplanes use kerosene jet fuel to take you to your travel destination. Kerosene jet fuel comes from fossil fuels. When burned, fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

To reduce global warming, carbon emissions from airplanes must decrease. That means airplanes will need new fuel sources. We wanted to identify possible sustainable aviation fuels. We also wanted to know if they are already in use or if they are in the research and development stage. So, we did a research review of alternative jet fuels. We found that there are three main alternative fuel types. These include biofuels, hydrogen (and hydrogen-derived) fuels, and electricity. One of the biofuels is already used in airplanes. The other alternatives are still in the research and development phase.

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