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Read up on what's happening in science today through the eyes of Brian Williams.

November is here and it is time to Do Some Science! In addition to two meteor showers (the Taurids and the Leonids), November is also home to STEAM Day, International Science Center and Science Museum Day, and America Recycles Day. Of course, there is also Thanksgiving and all the culinary science that comes along with it. Take a look at all the science November has to offer!

As a science enthusiast, October is my favorite month of the year. In addition to being National Energy Awareness Month, September is also home to International Observe the Moon Night, the Draconids Meteor Shower , and National Chemistry Week. Of course, there is also Halloween and all the spooky science that comes along with it. Take a look at all the science October has in store!

September is here and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to be moon landing of the Chandrayaan-2 Vikram, September is also home to a National Aerospace Week, Pollution Prevention Week, and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere (the September Equinox). Take a look at what September brings for the science lover in you.

August has arrived and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to be Children Eye Health and Safety Month, August is also home to a Sturgeon Supermoon, the Perseids Meteor Shower, and National Aviation Day. Take a look at what August brings for the science lover in you.

May is here and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to being Clean Air Month and National Egg Month, May is also home to Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower, the a rare blue moon, and Manhattanhenge. Take a look at what May brings for the science lover in you.