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Read up on what's happening in science today through the eyes of Brian Williams.

April has arrived and with it come lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! In addition to be Global Astronomy Month and National Gardening Month, April is also home to National Robotics Week, the Lyrids Meteor Shower, and Earth Day. Take a look at what April brings for the science lover in you.

March 17-22 is National Bubble Week. In celebration of this amazing week, we are pleased to introduce a little Bubbleology (the study of bubbles). Who doesn’t like a good bubble? Who knew that a bit of air trapped in film of soapy water could be so much fun? Most people have fond memories of summers filled with bubbles. However, most people don’t know that science behind the spherical shape and swirling colors. Keep reading and discover how to make your own super bubble solution. Here’s What You Need 1 cup of dish soap1 tablespoon of GlycerinBubble wand3 cups of distilled waterCup or bowl About the Ingredients...

February is here and there are lots of opportunities to Do Some Science! From Groundhog Day to Darwin Day to The Great Backyard Bird Count, take a look at what February brings for the science lover in you.